Thomas Dreyfus
Thomas Dreyfus
Université de Bourgogne,
Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, UMR 5584,
9 avenue Alain Savary, 21078 Dijon
Mail : thomas.dreyfus@[nospam]
Bureau 207
Lien BBB
Directeur de recherche CNRS à l'Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne.
Auparavant, j'ai fréquenté les universités de Paris 7 (thèse), Toulouse 3 et Lyon 1 (post-doctorat), Strasbourg (chargé de recherche).
Trésorier de la SMF.
Domaine de recherche : Théorie de Galois différentielle, Calcul formel, Phénomène de Stokes, Équations aux q-différences, Déformations isomonodromiques, Théorèmes de Morales-Ramis, Équations de Mahler, Marches aléatoires.
Fields of mathematical interest: Differential Galois Theory, Computer algebra, Stokes phenomenom, q difference equations, Isomonodromic deformations, Morales-Ramis Theorems, Mahler equations, Random walks.
Je suis responsable du cours Intégrales impropres, introduction au calcul différentiel pour les L2 de Dijon. Le polycopié est disponible ici.
J'étais responsable du cours, équations sur les équations différentielles et fonctions spéciales pour les M1 magistère de Strasbourg. Le polycopié est disponible ici.
Quatrième congrès de la SMF, 2-6 juin, 2025, Dijon.
Galois differential theories and transcendence, 17-21 Feb, 2025, Marseille.
150 ans de la SFP et de la SMF, 14 Mars 2023, Paris.
Painlevé Equations : From Classical to Modern Analysis, 24-28 Oct, 2022, Strasbourg.
Session Functional equations and their interactions in the AMS-EMS-SMF joint meeting, 18-22 July, 2022, Grenoble.
150 ans de la SMF, 16-18 Mars 2022, Paris.
Journées 2021 du GDR EFI, suivis des Journées 2021 de l'ANR De Rerum Natura, 31 Mai-4 Juin 2021, En ligne.
Session "Generating series and confined lattice walks" in the conference CanaDAM 2021, 25-28 May, 2021, Online.
Cimpa School: “Functional Equations: Theory, Practice and Interactions”, 12-23 April, 2021, Hanoi.
Journées 2020 du GDR EFI, 27-29 Mai 2019, Strasbourg, Annulé.
Differential Galois theory in Strasbourg, September 4-6, 2019, Strasbourg.
Deuxième rencontre ANT, 30 Mai-2 Juin 2017, Porquerolles.
Analogies between number field and function field: algebraic and analytic approaches, 27 June-1 July, 2016, Lyon.
Séminaires que j'ai organisé
Rhine Seminar on Transcendence, entre Fribourg, Bâle et Strasbourg
Webinaire équations fonctionelles et intéractions, Juin 2020-Novembre 2021. Lien vers quelques exposés ici.
Groupe de travail du projet Automata in Number Theory, Décembre 2015-Janvier 2017, Lyon.
Articles de recherche
33 Thomas Dreyfus, Andrew Elvey Price, Kilian Raschel, Enumeration of weighted quadrant walks: criteria for algebraicity and D-finiteness. pdf arXiv
32 Thomas Dreyfus, Changgui Zhang, On the product of two 1-q-summable power series. pdf arXiv
31 Thomas Dreyfus, Hypertranscendence and linear difference equations, the exponential case. pdf arXiv
30 Frédéric Chyzak, Thomas Dreyfus, Philippe Dumas, Marc Mezzarobba, First-order factors of linear Mahler operators.
Journal of Symbolic Computation.
29 Thomas Dreyfus, Marina Poulet, Computation of the difference Galois groups of order three equations.
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France. arXiv28 Thomas Dreyfus, Tanguy Rivoal, Representability of G-functions as rational functions in hypergeometric series.
Bulletin des sciences mathématiques. Vol. 199, (2025), paper 103542. arXiv27 Boris Adamczewski, Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Michael Wibmer, Algebraic independence and linear difference equations.
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS). Vol. 26, (2024), no. 5, p. 1899-1932. arXiv
26 Thomas Dreyfus, Viktoria Heu, Degeneration from difference to differential Okamoto spaces for the sixth Painlevé equation.
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques. Vol. 32, (2023), no. 5, p. 969-1041. arXiv25 Thomas Dreyfus, Differential algebraic generating series of weighted walks in the quarter plane.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire. Vol. 87B, (2023), paper 10, 23 pages. arXiv24 Thomas Dreyfus, Jacques-Arthur Weil, Computing the Lie algebra of the differential Galois group: the reducible case.
Journal of Symbolic Computation. Vol. 112, (2022), p. 122-163. arXiv
23 Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Length derivative of the generating series of walks confined in the quarter plane.
Confluentes Mathematici. Vol. 13, (2021), no. 2, p. 39-92. arXiv
22 Thomas Dreyfus, Jacques-Arthur Weil, Differential Galois theory and integration.
Monographs in Symbolic Computation. Anti-Differentiation and the Calculation of Feynman Amplitudes, (2021), p.145-171. arXiv
21 Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Julien Roques, Michael F. Singer, On the Kernel curves associated with walks in the quarter plane.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 373, (2021), p.61-89. arXiv
20 Thomas Dreyfus, Amélie Trotignon, On the nature of four models of symmetric walks avoiding a quadrant.
Annals of Combinatorics. Vol. 25, (2021), no. 3, p. 617-644. arXiv
19 Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Julien Roques, Functional relations for solutions of q-difference equations.
Mathematische Zeitschrift. Vol. 298, (2021), no. 3, p. 1751-1791. arXiv
18 Boris Adamczewski, Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Hypertranscendence and linear difference equations.
Journal of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 34, (2021), no. 2, p. 475-503. arXiv
17 Carlos E. Arreche, Thomas Dreyfus, Julien Roques, Differential transcendence criteria for second-order linear difference equations and elliptic hypergeometric functions.
Journal de l'École polytechnique - Mathématiques. Vol. 8, (2021), p. 147-168. arXiv
16 Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Julien Roques, Michael F. Singer, Walks in the quarter plane, genus zero case.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. Vol. 174, (2020), paper 105251, 25 pages. arXiv
15 Thomas Dreyfus, Alberto Lastra, Stéphane Malek, On the multiple-scale analysis for some linear partial q-difference and differential equations with holomorphic coefficients.
Advances in Difference Equations. (2019), paper 326, 42 pages. arXiv
14 Thomas Dreyfus, Kilian Raschel, Differential transcendence and algebraicity criteria for the series counting weighted quadrant walks.
Publications mathématiques de Besançon. (2019), no. 1 , p. 41-80. arXiv
13 Frédéric Chyzak, Thomas Dreyfus, Philippe Dumas, Marc Mezzarobba, Computing solutions of linear Mahler equations.
Mathematics of Computation. Vol. 87, (2018), p. 2977-3021. arXiv
12 Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Julien Roques, Michael F. Singer, On the nature of the generating series of walks in the quarter plane.
Inventiones Mathematicae. Vol. 213, (2018), no. 1, p. 139-203. arXiv
11 Thomas Dreyfus, Charlotte Hardouin, Julien Roques, Hypertranscendence of solutions of Mahler equations.
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS). Vol. 20, (2018), no. 9, p. 2209–2238. arXiv
10 Thomas Dreyfus, Real difference Galois theory.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 146, (2018), no. 1, p. 43-54. arXiv
9 Thomas Dreyfus, Isomonodromic deformation of q-difference equations and confluence.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 145, (2017), no. 3, p. 1109-1120. arXiv
8 Thomas Dreyfus, Anton Eloy, q-Borel-Laplace summation for q-difference equations with two slopes.
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. Vol. 22, (2016), no. 10, p. 1501-1511. arXiv
7 Ainhoa Aparicio Monforte, Thomas Dreyfus, Jacques-Arthur Weil, Liouville integrability: an effective Morales-Ramis-Simó theorem.
Journal of Symbolic Computation. Vol. 74, (2016), p. 537-560. arXiv
6 Thomas Dreyfus, q-deformation of meromorphic solutions of linear differential equations.
Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 259, (2015), no. 11, p. 5734-5768. arXiv
5 Thomas Dreyfus, Julien Roques, Galois groups of difference equations of order two on elliptic curves.
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry, Methods and Applications (SIGMA). Vol. 11, (2015), paper 003, 23 pages. arXiv
4 Thomas Dreyfus, Building meromorphic solutions of q-difference equations using a Borel-Laplace summation.
International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN). (2015), no. 15, p. 6562-6587. arXiv
3 Thomas Dreyfus, Confluence of meromorphic solutions of q-difference equations.
Annales de l'institut Fourier (Grenoble). Vol. 65, (2015), no. 2, p. 431-507. arXiv
2 Thomas Dreyfus, A density theorem for parameterized differential Galois theory.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 271, (2014), no. 1, p. 87-141. arXiv
1 Thomas Dreyfus, Computing the Galois group of some parameterized linear differential equation of order two.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 142, (2014), no. 4, p. 1193-1207. arXiv
Thomas Dreyfus, Quelques applications de la théorie de Galois différentielle. Habilitation à diriger les recherches. HAL
Thomas Dreyfus, Phénomènes de Stokes et approche galoisienne des problèmes de confluence. Thèse de doctorat, sous la direction de Lucia Di Vizio. Version sans remerciements
Thomas Dreyfus, Groupes de Galois différentiels locaux. Mémoire de M2, sous la direction de Lucia Di Vizio. Version pdf
Amélie Trotignon